[The Page 69 Test: I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You; The Page 69 Test: Touch; The Page 69 Test: Costalegre]
Maum's new book is the memoir, The Year of the Horses.
At Electric Lit she tagged seven books about "horse girls who are dirty, daring, and feminist as hell," including:
Horse Crazy: The Story of a Woman and a World in Love With an Animal by Sarah Maslin NirRead about another entry on the list.
Horse Crazy is a love letter to horses and a deeply researched tribute to her fellow equine fans. Nir contrasts her journey from loneliness into belonging on horseback with the careers of everyone from the famed horse whisperer Monty Roberts to the Randall Island-based urban cowboys George and Ann Blair who gave free riding lessons to hundreds of inner-city students previously excluded from the sport because of its high cost.
--Marshal Zeringue