Saturday, March 05, 2022

Q&A with Khan Wong

From my Q&A with Khan Wong, author of The Circus Infinite:
How much work does your title do to take readers into the story?

The title brings the reader right into the main setting, so I'd say it does quite a bit of work! Part of the story, of course, is the circus evolving into its new form - it has a different name in the beginning. I also think of the title as a metaphor for existence, but there's really nothing in the text that suggests that. The working title had been Big Top on the Edge of Forever, but that was too derivative of a classic Star Trek episode. I mention it because it hints at the sort of poetic grandeur I was going for. It wasn't until I got to the part with the circus revamping itself that the current title fell into place.

What's in a name?

The alliance of worlds that is the basis of the society in which the story is set is...[read on]
Visit Khan Wong's website.

Q&A with Khan Wong.

--Marshal Zeringue