At Tor.com she tagged "five books that investigate what is and isn’t enough to stir a quarrel between families," including:
Jade City by Fonda LeeRead about another entry on the list.
In a setting where our main cast of characters belongs to one of two major warring families, this adult fantasy is a prime example of intergenerational familial feuds. What does it feel like to be born with an allegiance to something? What is it like to want something else, but knowing that it would go against everything you were raised to believe by the people you trust most? With edge-of-your-seat fight scenes and dynamic, complicated sibling relationships, the story hauls the Kauls through a war that will determinetheir very world, and there is simply no looking away. All good violence is dosed with some good ol’ Godfather-esque threats, and maybe, just maybe, the most intense violence comes from those we thought wouldn’t hurt us.
Jade City is among Mike Chen's five recent titles featuring superpowered characters, David R. Slayton's ten favorite urban fantasies that break new ground, Emily Temple's top six epic fantasy series for fans of Game of Thrones and R.F. Kuang's five top East Asian SFF novels by East Asian authors.
The Page 69 Test: Jade City.
--Marshal Zeringue