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It’s so much fun to cast a movie in your mind! Here are my choices for five characters from Cajun Kiss of Death.Visit Ellen Byron's website.
Maggie Crozat – I’ve always seen Anne Hathaway in the role of Maggie. She has this wonderful way of combining moxie with a hint of insecurity, plus she knows how to play comedy. Not every actress can. In the 1990s, casting calls often went out for “pretty funny.” This was a call for male and female performers who were hot but also funny. It sounds incredibly sexist these days, doesn’t it? But finding this combination wasn’t easy. I’ll leave it to readers to analyze why.
Detective Bo Durand – I struggled with dream casting Bo for a long time. Someone once suggested...[read on]
Coffee with a Canine: Ellen Byron & Wiley and Pogo.
Q&A with Ellen Byron.
Writers Read: Ellen Byron.
My Book, The Movie: Cajun Kiss of Death.
--Marshal Zeringue