Sunday, May 24, 2020

Q&A with Anna Dorn

From my Q&A with Anna Dorn, author of Vagablonde:
How much work does your title do to take readers into the story?

Vagablonde is about a blonde criminal defense attorney who wants to be a rapper. The title—a portmanteau of "blonde" and "vagabond"—speaks to her voyeurism into cultures that are not her own in order to "feel something." I wanted to write about cultural appropriation from the perspective of the appropriator—the only perspective I can write with any degree of authenticity. It would be weird to write a novel that takes place in America and doesn’t address race in some way. So I wrote what I knew: a white woman grappling with...[read on]
Visit Anna Dorn's website.

Q&A with Anna Dorn.

--Marshal Zeringue