At Tor.com they tagged "seven works that define the new subgenre of geoscience fiction," including:
Arctic Rising and Hurricane Fever, by Tobias BuckellRead about another entry on the list.
In a future where the arctic ice has melted, new nations have formed in the arctic sea while island nations have beensubmerged in the rising waters of the Atlantic and Pacific. Crazy geoengineers battle with subaltern seasteaders in these thrillers about a future Earth whose climate is so different that it might as well be another planet. After all, Earth science doesn’t stop at the planet’s crust. One of the central premises of geoscience is that the planet and its atmosphere are part of the same system, exchanging gasses and other materials in an endless, fungible process. That’s why Buckell’s masterful duology about the politics of climate change is key to the geoscience fiction subgenre.
My Book, The Movie: Arctic Rising.
--Marshal Zeringue