At CrimeReads Lonsdale tagged "five favorite page-turners that draw momentum from the protagonist’s quest to overcome their own self-doubts," including:
After Nightfall by A.J. Banner (Psychological Suspense)Read about another entry on the list.
Marissa Parlette is newly engaged and hosting a dinner party to celebrate her engagement. She invites her closest friend, a womanseeking Marissa’s forgiveness after betraying her years previous. Hostilities arise, the evening is ruined, and everyone goes to bed – but the next day, her friend’s body is found at the bottom of a rocky cliff. Was it suicide? Murder? An accident? Marissa wants to find out. As she plays sleuth and more clues are uncovered, doubts about her marriage, her friendship, and herself arise, doubts Marissa must overcome if she wants to find out who betrayed her friend. What unfolds after is a classic “who dunnit” mystery, and A.J. Banner executes this brilliantly. I had no idea who was at fault, if anyone, until the last few pages.
The Page 69 Test: After Nightfall.
--Marshal Zeringue