Sansa—A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. MartinRead about another entry on the list.
In A Storm of Swords, Sansa takes stock of her lot in life and finds that she’s changed from the lemon cake-loving girl she was when she came to King’s Landing, eager to marry the handsome Prince Joffrey (we all know how that turned out) and make her mark on the world as a future queen. Trapped in a lions’ den, Sansa discovers that she has little but her own internal strength to see her through the dangers of court. “My skin,” she says, “has turned to porcelain, to ivory, to steel.”
A Game of Thrones is among Non Pratt's top ten toxic friendships in literature, Becky Ferreira's eight best siblings in literature, and Nicole Hill's top six books on gluttony. A Song of Ice and Fire is among Ferreira's six favorite redheads in literature and six best books with dragons, Joel Cunningham's seven top books featuring long winters. The Red Wedding in A Storm of Swords is one of Ferreira's top six most momentous weddings in fiction. The Lannister family from A Game of Thrones is one of Jami Attenberg's top ten dysfunctional families in literature.
--Marshal Zeringu