Monday, March 10, 2014

Coffee with a canine: Allison Gutknecht & Gypsy

Featured at Coffee with a Canine: Allison Gutknecht & Gypsy.

The author, on Gypsy's impact on her books:
[T]he main character in my two current books, Mandy Berr, has some definite character traits which were inspired by Gypsy. Specifically, both Gypsy and Mandy have a tendency to lean toward self-centeredness (Gypsy’s life philosophy is essentially, “And what about Gypsy?”), and they each react very extremely to any given situation (nearly everything is either the “best thing ever” or “worst thing ever” – there is very little gray area). Gypsy is also mistaken for a puppy at least weekly, and there is something in her excitable nature that has translated itself to Mandy’s view of the world....[read on]
About Gitknecht's new book, A Cast Is the Perfect Accessory: (And Other Lessons I've Learned), from the publisher:
Eight-year-old Mandy Berr is spirited, sassy, and determined to shine—even if she’s not the center of attention!

After learning the hard way that polka dot underwear and white pants are not the best combination, Mandy Berr has gotten over that fashion faux pas, and has (almost) recovered from not being named George Washington in the recent Presidential Pageant.

But just when things seem like they might be back in her favor, her former nemesis, Natalie, manages to steal Mandy’s spotlight—again. A broken wrist for Natalie means a cool cast and the attention of Mandy’s classmates…even from Anya, Mandy’s BFF.

Can Mandy figure out a way to get back into the center of attention, win back her best friend, AND snag a pair of fancy-dancy periwinkle sunglasses?
Visit Allison Gutknecht's website, Facebook page, and Twitter perch.

The Page 69 Test: Don't Wear Polka-Dot Underwear with White Pants.

Read--Coffee with a Canine: Allison Gutknecht & Gypsy.

--Marshal Zeringue