For The Daily Beast he came up with "ten novels that... are stellar works of fiction, but also manage to pull off the almost impossible task of capturing the magic of music on the printed page," including:
High FidelityRead about another book on Gioia's list.
by Nick Hornby
The music industry operates on glamor, but by the time you get to the lowest level in the business—namely, the dude at the cash register in the record store—all of the glitter has vanished. You must settle instead for nerdiness and esoterica. Many have tapped into the humor and neuroses of this subject (see Michael Chabon’s [Telegraph Avenue] for a more recent example), butNick Hornby created the blueprint for all later variations on this theme in his brilliant and funny 1995 novel High Fidelity.
High Fidelity also made Melissa Albert's top five list of books that inspire great mix tapes, Rob Reid's six favorite books list, Ashley Hamilton's list of 8 books to read with a broken heart, Tiffany Murray's top 10 list of rock'n'roll novels, Mark Hodkinson's critic's chart of rock music in fiction, and John Sutherland's list of the best books about listing.
--Marshal Zeringue