Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Lisa Black's "Defensive Wounds," the movie

Now showing at My Book, The Movie: Defensive Wounds by Lisa Black.

The entry begins:
My first choice for Theresa has always been Julianne Moore. Beautiful without it being distracting and a little more intelligent than those around her would prefer at times. But I would also love my overall favorite Rachael Weisz, provided she could do a convincing American accent.

Since the action takes place at a convention where defense attorneys keep turning up dead, the set is a hotel—not the most exciting backdrop. But several pivotal scenes take place on the outside observation deck of the iconic Cleveland landmark the Terminal Tower, seven hundred feet up with sweeping views of the city and lake.

Homicide detective Frank Patrick is both the quintessential police detective, down to the mustache, but he is also Theresa’s first cousin so they have a very personal relationship. Timothy Hutton from Leverage might be good, provided someone combs his hair (they don’t, on Leverage). Or maybe Chris...[read on]
Learn more about the book and author at Lisa Black's website.

My Book, The Movie: Trail of Blood.

The Page 69 Test: Trail of Blood.

Writers Read: Lisa Black.

My Book, The Movie: Defensive Wounds.

--Marshal Zeringue