Coston on Starr's connection to Ask the Animals:
Starr is mentioned in the book in a chapter called “What’s In a Name” in which I explain our family’s method of pet nomenclature and outline some of the more interesting pet names I have encountered over the years. Other than that, Starr is only tangentially related to the book. It is through my relationship with Starr and our cats (currently Webster, Flinn and Phelps) that I can empathize with the depth of feeling invested in my patients by their devoted owners. I know because I am as sappy with my pets as any of my clients are.[read on]

"Ask the Animals is a beautifully written memoir that not only explores the daily life of a veterinarian, but also the sacrifices it takes to get there. Dr. Coston has accomplished what all veterinarians aspire to, a companionate relationship with both his patients and their humans".Read excerpts and some of the buzz around Ask the Animals, and learn more about the book and author at Bruce Coston's website.
--Jeff Wells, DVM, author of All My Patients Have Tales
Read--Coffee with a Canine: Starr and Bruce Coston.
--Marshal Zeringue