I’ve just finished a galley of Nina Killham’s Believe Me (it’s out next month from Plume). I’ll confess that I tend to pick up lots of galleys and then to abandon them quickly; the publishing industry is a scary business because it produces so many galleys for so few impatient readers. But I was engaged from the start by this one, and by the voice of Killham’s narrator-a precocious thirteen-year-old named Nic (after Nicolas Copernicus).[read on]In addition to his novels, Frank was a senior editor at The New Yorker for over a decade and collaborated with his Danish-born wife, Diana Crone Frank, on The Stories of Hans Christian Andersen: A New Translation From the Danish.

"...a darkly funny fictional 'memoir' by a columnist and TV personality who flatters and blackmails his way to power and then crashes in a scandal so lurid it makes the Lewinsky affair seem tame..."Visit Jeffrey Frank's website.
--The New York Times Book Review
"It is the only Washington novel that I would dare call Swiftian. Brutally funny."
--Stephen Hess
Writers Read: Jeffrey Frank.
--Marshal Zeringue