Friday, December 15, 2023

Seven top memoirs about addiction by women writers

Claudia Acevedo-Quiñones is a writer from Puerto Rico whose poems and short fiction have appeared in The Brooklyn Rail, wildness, Ambit Magazine, Radar Poetry, and other publications. In 2019, she received an MFA in Creative Writing and Literature from Stony Brook University, where she also taught poetry to undergraduate students. Her chapbook, Bedroom Pop, was published by dancing girl press in 2021. In 2022, she was awarded a Letras Boricuas Fellowship by the Flamboyán Arts Fund and the Mellon Foundation. Her full-length debut, The Hurricane Book, is published by Rose Metal Press.

At Electric Lit Acevedo-Quiñones tagged seven memoirs by women writers about the struggle with drugs and alcohol and the journey to recovery. One title on the list:
Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher

“If my life wasn’t funny it would just be true, and that is unacceptable.” Yes, it’s a celebrity memoir. Yes, maybe it’s one of those things you’d pick up at a Hudson News. But beyond the Princess Leia-Paul Simon-Elizabeth Taylor-Eddie Fisher-Debbie Reynolds of it all, you can’t deny that Carrie Fisher wrote a memoir about painful family dynamics, public life, bipolar disorder, and addiction that can make you laugh (if you have the patience for this kind of thing). It’s voice driven, shiny, and a little indulgent. After years of keeping her battle with substance abuse under wraps, Fisher became an advocate for mental health awareness who spoke openly about her bipolar disorder diagnosis and her addictions, becoming sort of a den mother to unlikely celebrities and a beloved public figure. It’s easy to see why.
Read about another entry on the list.

Wishful Drinking is among Sadie Trombetta's nine memoirs that reveal the dark side of Hollywood and the Barnes & Noble Review's five top Hollywood tell-alls.

--Marshal Zeringue