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My running joke about Lawless was that it was created with Suri Cruise in mind. That eventually she’d read the book or her parents would read the book and they’d all realize that this is the perfect first vehicle for her action movie career. She would play M Freeman, the main character in Lawless. She’s at the center of all the action and adventure, but her character is morally challenged in a way that kids aren’t used to reading. She’s a bad guy who has to choose whether she’s going to be good. The other roles, I have no idea who would fit them because these characters are so young. If I’m pulling from actors from my cinematic history, I’d say that Henry Thomas from ET could play Calvin Watts. He’s a bit of the foil to M’s character and hey, I love Henry in ET. Merlyn Eaves, who’s the loud and proud geek of the group, I’d call on...[read on]Visit Jeffrey Salane's website.
My Book, The Movie: Mayhem.
--Marshal Zeringue