The premise is simple. Who would I like to play the roles if my book was made into a movie?Learn more about the book and author at Brian Falkner's website, blog, and Facebook page.
This sounds like a fun game, I thought, and started thinking of who seemed to fit the bill of the characters as I had visualised them.
The book is Brain Jack and first up on my virtual casting couch is the main character Sam.
On the cover of the Australasian edition they portrayed him as a cool, tough, no-nonsense dude. But I never saw him like that. To me he was a geek. A bit of a klutz. Definitely not cool.
Jesse Eisenberg has been very successful in a geek role recently, but somehow he’s just not Sam to me.
So who else…
Here’s my list of the roles, with a brief description for those who haven’t read the book, and the actors who stepped into my mental casting lounge.
Sam Wilson, uber-hacker, teenager thrust into a world beyond his comprehension when he is recruited by the Department of Homeland Security. Played by...[read on]
My Book, The Movie: Brain Jack.
--Marshal Zeringue