Friday, November 20, 2009

Coffee with a canine: Gerry Bartlett & Jet

This weekend's featured duo at Coffee with a Canine: Gerry Bartlett & Jet, her rescue Whippet.

Bartlett on Jet's relationship with her writing:
I've always been an animal lover and any person who would hurt a defenseless animal is a villain in my book. I use that when I write. Also, our pets are a great comfort and will defend us. I incorporate those qualities when I write my stories and usually include an animal....[read on]
Real Vampires Hate Their Thighs, book 5 of Bartlett's Glory St. Clair Real Vampires series, is being released in trade paperback in February, 2010. Book 3, Real Vampires Get Lucky, is in stores now in mass market form.

Kimberly Raye, USA Today bestselling author of Dead End Dating, called Glory St. Clair a “vampire to die for.”

Gerry Bartlett is a former teacher and now writes full time. She also owns an antique business on the historic strand in Galveston, Texas. which she rebuilt after losing everything in the shop during Hurricane Ike.

Learn more about Gerry Bartlett and her writing at, her MySpace page, and the Glory St. Clair Fansite.

Writers Read: Gerry Bartlett.

Read--Coffee with a Canine: Gerry Bartlett & Jet.

--Marshal Zeringue