Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sarah Easter Collins's "Things Don't Break on Their Own," the movie

Featured at My Book, The Movie: Things Don't Break on Their Own: A Novel by Sarah Easter Collins.

The entry begins:
Things Don’t Break On Their Own is a story about sisters, hidden histories and the unreliability of memory. Female friendships are at the heart of the novel, as is a girl who goes missing on her way to school at the age of thirteen. The entire novel spans a period of some thirty years, with one character in particular being seen in one scene as a six-year-old but in other scenes in her late thirties, but in terms of thinking about who might play these characters in a movie, I’m going to think about each character as their adult selves, at the age where they gather together for a supper in London.

Robyn as a character is generous, straightforward, warm, loyal and loving. She carries into adulthood a deep wisdom that comes from having grown up in a home environment that is safe and loving, where broken things are mended, and where generosity and kindness are the order of the day. She’s described as sporty and having a wonderful smile with dimples, but there is great depth to her character too. I think Carey Mulligan would be amazing in that role. I once had the privilege of seeing her on stage in David Hare’s brilliant play Skylight, in which she was stunningly good. I think she’s a phenomenal actor and she also has a perfect impish smile. She was also brilliant in the film adaptation of Never Let me Go, one of my favourite ever books.

In Skylight, Carey Mulligan played opposite...[read on]
Visit Sarah Easter Collins's website.

The Page 69 Test: Things Don't Break on Their Own.

Q&A with Sarah Easter Collins.

My Book, The Movie: Things Don't Break on Their Own.

--Marshal Zeringue