Friday, May 10, 2024

Five of the best books about video games

Keith Stuart is an author and journalist; he writes about video games, technology and digital culture.

His books include A Boy Made of Blocks, The Frequency of Us, and the newly released Love is a Curse.

At the Guardian Stuart tagged five books from which "avid gamers and utter newcomers alike will learn much about video games and our modern digital world." One title on the list:
Masters of Doom by David Kushner

An experienced New York Times and Rolling Stone journalist, Kushner brought keen reporting skills and cultural nous to this examination of seminal 1993 shooter Doom and the young men who made it. Masters of Doom captures the haphazard and anarchic process behind game development in the 1990s – the late nights, the pizza, the questionable personal hygiene – but it’s also a thrilling and emotional story about inspiration, friendship and, yes, creative genius.
Read about another entry on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue