She tagged sixteen top "new works by and about Native North American writers," including:
Stealing by Margaret VerbleRead about another entry on the list.
In the 1950s, Kit Crockett and her widowed father live on a small farm in the Midwest, where she befriends her new neighbor Bella. After finding herself at the center of a tragic crime, Kit is removed from her father’s custody at the age of twelve and becomes a ward of the court. Although her Cherokee family wants to raise her, she is instead sent to a religious boarding school, where she is subjected to abuse and religious indoctrination. Instead of giving in to her circumstances, Kit keeps a journal chronicling her experiences and plotting a way out. This eye-opening story was originally written in 2007, but didn’t find an audience until the Canadian First Nations boarding school scandal broke in 2021. With this renewed social context, Verble powerfully examines the impact of forced Christianity on Indigenous children who had their family, language, and culture brutally ripped away.
--Marshal Zeringue