His new novel is There Is a Light That Never Goes Out. "Though a slow-burner set over 10 years," he writes, "the pivotal action takes place during the summer months."
At the Guardian Barnett tagged ten favorite sizzling summer love stories, including:
One Day by David Nicholls (2009)Read about another entry on the list.
St Swithin’s Day could arguably be said to be the very heart of summer, a pin stuck right in the middle of July.It is on this day that Emma and Dexter first spend the night together, in 1988, after university graduation. Nicholls uses the device of taking the reader to visit them ever year on the same day, 15 July, for two decades, as they move from friends to lovers. It is like a series of Polaroids, collecting snapshots of their changing lives, as Nicholls builds to a conclusion that leaves nary a dry eye in the house.
One Day is among Euan Ferguson's ten best fictional hangovers in print, film and song.
--Marshal Zeringue