Thursday, March 05, 2020

Top ten mentors in fiction

Benjamin Myers was born in Durham, UK, in 1976. He is an author and journalist, translated into several languages.

His new novel is The Offing.

At the Guardian, Myers tagged ten top mentors--"inspiring, sometimes ambiguous figures [who] are a perennial flint-spark for storytelling"--in fiction, including:
Teddy Prince in Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

An inventive subversion of the music biography-as-oral-history, the Fleetwood Mac-like band’s story here covers all the rock pitfalls during their rise and fall in heady 1970s LA – complete with a mentor figure in Teddy Price. In fact, the oversized British CEO of Runner Records may be a Svengali figure – the more insidious sibling of the mentor – but as the line between the two is so often blurred he warrants inclusion, if only as a reminder that behind every successful performer, whether real or imagined, there is usually a mentor; some entirely altruistic, others less so.
Read about another entry on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue