Friday, June 01, 2018

Four books that changed Meg Keneally

Meg Keneally started her working life as a junior public affairs officer at the Australian Consulate-General in New York, before moving to Dublin to work as a sub-editor and freelance features writer. On returning to Australia, she joined the Daily Telegraph as a general news reporter, founded a public relations company, and has worked in corporate affairs. With her father Thomas Keneally (Schindler’s List) she is the author of the novels The Soldier's Curse and The Unmourned. One of four books that changed Keneally the younger, as shared at the Sydney Morning Herald:
Patrick Suskind

I always bore people about how much I love this book. It's one of those rare beasts: a story worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster, written so beautifully that there are times when you want the plot to get out of the way so you can focus on the language. Suskind's ability to describe smell poleaxed me. It showed me that prose could achieve things I had thought were impossible, while at the same time making me keenly aware of how far I had to go!
Read about another book on the list.

Perfume is among four books that changed Katrina Lawrence, Karen Runge's five (damn-near) perfect (dark) novels, and Lara Feigel's top ten smelly books.

--Marshal Zeringue