One of Heuler's five favorite books that "stand at the doorway between realistic and speculative," as shared at Tor.com:
Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan SwiftRead about another entry on the list.
In the 18th century some travel books were entirely made up by authors who never actually went on their fabled journey, travelbeing as arduous as it was. People were—and still are—delighted to believe just about anything when it comes to strangers. Travel is an unparalleled opportunity to champion one’s own personal beliefs about politics, race, class, gender, and cultural irregularities, and to give instances of the mindless rituals of people who are not like us. There is no greater sense of superiority than that of noting how every other society can be improved. They will never see the errors of their ways if we don’t point it out to them.
Gulliver's Travels appears on David Dalglish's list of eight favorite airborne societies in fantasy fiction, Lindsay Taylor and Suzanne Smith's list of ten favorite fantasy realms, Conn Iggulden's top ten list of books about tiny people, Antonio Carluccio's list of his six favorite books, and John Mullan's lists of ten of the top imaginary meetings in literature and ten of the best vegetables in literature; it is one of Neil deGrasse Tyson's 5 most important books.
--Marshal Zeringue