The entry begins:
In my dream version I’d like to resurrect Alfred Hitchcock to direct my novel. I'm picturing the atmospheric sets he used for Rebecca and the way Hitch used food to drive his plots . I’ll never forget the illuminated glass of poisoned milk in Suspicion, or Marion Crane picking over her last sandwich in Psycho.Visit Martine Bailey's website, Facebook page, and Twitter perch.
My flame-haired confidence trickster Mary is a talented cook, impersonator, and born survivor. I’d give her role to Myanna Buring, Edna in Downton Abbey and star of Banished and Ripper Street. Mary’s timid mistress is...[read on]
My Book, The Movie: An Appetite for Violets.
The Page 69 Test: An Appetite for Violets.
My Book, The Movie: A Taste for Nightshade.
--Marshal Zeringue