I never visualized a movie that would encompass this whole book. But I saw a good movie in one part of the story. The Whiskey Rebellion would dramatize the first attempt by Americans to secede from the Union. “Democratic Societies” modeled on the radical Jacobin Clubs of Paris have been denouncing President Washington’s administration for months. With Thomas Jefferson’s encouragement, newspapers have been echoing this attempt to launch a French style revolution -- a war against the rich. The Societies encouraged the 70,000 pioneers in western Pennsylvania to attack federal tax collectors and persuade westerners in Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina to join them in forming a separate country. A rabble-rouser named David Bradford has great potential as a central character. Wearing the uniform of a major general, he...[read on]Visit Thomas Fleming's website.
Writers Read: Thomas Fleming.
The Page 99 Test: The Great Divide.
My Book, The Movie: The Great Divide.
--Marshal Zeringue