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I would love to see Spell Booked made into a movie! I know every author says that, but I've given it some serious thought.Learn more about the authors and their work at Joyce and Jim Lavene's website.
First of all, the movie could be filmed in Wilmington, where the book is set, as it has a thriving movie and TV-making community. The Witches of East End was filmed here, and so is Sleepy Hollow and Vampire Diaries. So we can use all the landmarks – the Cape Fear River, the Atlantic Ocean, the Cotton exchange, Oak Island, and the old waterfront. Those places would look great on the screen.
I'd like to see Nicole Kidman play Molly. She'd have to be a little older, but it would be a few years, right? And they can use some extra make up on her. Something about her attitude reminds me of...[read on]
Coffee with a Canine: Joyce and Jim Lavene & Rudi.
My Book, The Movie: Spell Booked.
--Marshal Zeringue