Batterman, on how they were united:
My daughter, grown now and living in L.A., had been pleading with us for a dog. All those friends getting puppies and kittens, why couldn’t she have one too? So my husband and I relented. Did I know that, for all the wishing and whining on the child’s part, it would be Mother, archetypically speaking, who would train and feed the dog? Of course. Did I care? Obviously not. The deal was this – we had to rescue one from a shelter. So we went to two different shelters. It was love at first sight once Sara spotted Maggie. My own choice was Freckles, a little more well behaved, even if her eyes were two different colors. We went home with Maggie, almost a year old at the time. That was twelve years ago. The rest is...[read on]

Her stories have appeared in anthologies as well as various print and online journals, including Many Mountains Moving, Sistersong, Dunes Review, The MacGuffin, The Alsop Review, three candles, Standards: The International Journal of Multicultural Studies, Prose Toad, and The Potomac.
Visit Deborah Batterman's blog.
Read--Coffee with a Canine: Deborah Batterman & Maggie.
--Marshal Zeringue