Kenison, on Gracie's influence on her writing:
Although Gracie came of age catching fly balls in our back yard, an eager participant in any game involving my two sons and moving objects, we always knew she deserved a larger playing field. People used to ask us, upon meeting her, when we were moving to the country. And sure enough, five and a half years ago, we sold our beloved house in the suburbs and bought eleven acres of rocky field in southern New Hampshire. I think I can safely say that, had we owned a pug instead of a border collie, we probably would have stayed put. And if we had never uprooted ourselves and moved to this small rural town, I certainly never would have written my book at all. So I guess I would have to say that, not only has Gracie influenced my writing, she is responsible for it in the...[read on]Katrina Kenison is the author of The Gift of an Ordinary Day: A Mother's Memoir, and Mitten Strings for God: Reflections for Mothers in a Hurry.

Her work has appeared in O: The Oprah Winfrey Magazine, Real Simple, Family Circle, and many other publications. She lives in rural New Hampshire with Gracie, her husband Steve, and their two sons, Henry and Jack.
Visit Katrina Kenison's website and blog.
Read--Coffee with a Canine: Katrina Kenison & Gracie.
--Marshal Zeringue