Being an arts journalist, an English Lit major, and the author of a book about the environment means that I always have multiple books on the go and they tend to be either a new bestseller, an old classic, or a green-themed book.Read more about Sleeping Naked is Green at the publisher's website.
Right now, I don't have any contemporary stuff in my hands, but I very recently finished a book called The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson -- it came out last year and there was a lot of hype surrounding it because the author is this Canadian, a first-time novelist, who spent almost 10 years writing the manuscript before securing a hefty $1.25-million advance. The diction can be a bit over the top at times, and there was something about the main female character that drove me nuts, but it raises interesting questions about pain, atonement and...[read on]
Among the praise for Sleeping Naked is Green:
One step a day doesn't seem like much, but over the course of a whole year it adds up to a world of difference. This isn't just a well-written and fun bookLearn more about Vanessa Farquharson at the Green as a Thistle blog.about going green, it is about watching a personal transformation. Being inspired was never so entertaining.
--Lloyd Alter, Treehugger.com
Lively and specific, Farquharson’s forthright chronicle of the ups and downs of green awareness is the perfect book for eco-skeptics.
--Donna Seaman, Booklist
Farquharson's appealing candor and nonsanctimonious attitude make other ecowarriors seem dour by comparison.
--Publishers Weekly
View the sexy Portuguese cover of Sleeping Naked is Green.
Writers Read: Vanessa Farquharson.
--Marshal Zeringue