Kane's new novel is What the Wife Knew.
At CrimeReads the author tagged seven thrillers with dysfunctional couples who lose control. One title on the list:
My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing – This is a few years old. If you haven’t read it, buy it then go in blind. I’ll keep it brief: A lovely couple. Cute kids. Very together. Also, serial killers.Read about another entry on the list.
My Lovely Wife is among Misha Popp's eight titles featuring truly fatal femmes fatales, Sarah Bonner's thirteen psychological thrillers with gobsmacking twists, Kaira Rouda's thirteen books highlighting the wives in domestic suspense, Alice Feeney's eight top novels featuring odd couples & unexpected partnerships, Pip Drysdale's seven top revenge thrillers featuring women who have had enough, Christina McDonald's seven top thrillers with flawed characters, C.J. Tudor's seven crime novels where murder is a group activity, Lisa Levy's top seven psychological thrillers with manipulative male narrators, Kaira Rouda's top seven literary couples whose relationships are deeply disturbing in the most fascinating ways possible, and Margot Hunt's top five villains who have had about enough of domestic life.
The Page 69 Test: My Lovely Wife.
--Marshal Zeringue