Friday, August 23, 2024

Five of the best books about yearning

August Thompson was born and raised in the middle of nowhere, New Hampshire, before he attended middle school in West LA. After surviving California optimism, he moved to NYC for his bachelor’s, studied in Berlin, and taught English in Spain for two years. He recently received his MFA at New York University’s creative writing program as a Goldwater Fellow.

Thompson's new book is Anyone’s Ghost.

At the Guardian the author tagged "five novels that capture that lightning-struck feeling" that "is one of the great rites of passage of youth – wanting someone, wanting to be them, wanting to be wanted." One title on the list:
Moonstone: The Boy Who Never Was by Sjón

A period piece set in Reykjavík in 1918, Sjón has written a novel about desire from the fringe. In a plague-ridden world cursed with mass death but blessed with the light of the birth of cinema, the novel’s queer main character Máni Steinn Karlsson is unfit for a bigoted society in every way. Yet his pining for a more beautiful world filled with that dissolving, projected light offers a warped, heartbreaking hope.
Read about another entry on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue