Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Elizabeth Topp's "City People," the movie

Featured at My Book, The Movie: City People: A Novel by Elizabeth Topp.

The entry begins:
I always cast the television show or film of my novel as I’m writing it, which is especially helpful when I am inspired by my lived experience but the book itself is completely fictitious. It’s also great to have a cast of three-dimensional actual humans for reference when you’re working, as I was, in multiple points of view. City People brings us inside the lives of six Manhattan Moms grappling with the unexpected loss of one of their own in the midst of private school admissions season.

In my fantasy network television adaptation, the central character, Vic, would be played by Alicia Silverstone: well-meaning but a little bit ditsy, pretty without trying, alternating between sincere empathy and self-involvement. Mindy Kaling would bring a lighter energy and depth to Bhavna, the intense, ambitious, social climber. Sandra Oh was my pick for...[read on]
Visit Elizabeth Topp's website.

The Page 69 Test: City People.

My Book, The Movie: City People.

--Marshal Zeringue