Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Ten books portraying a search for truth

Babak Lakghomi is the author of South (2023) and Floating Notes (2018). His fiction has appeared in American Short Fiction, NOON, Ninth Letter, New York Tyrant, The Adroit Journal, and Green Mountains Review, and has been translated into Italian and Farsi.

Lakghomi was born in Tehran, Iran, and currently lives and writes in Toronto.

At Electric Lit he tagged ten "stories that play with form to portray the difficulty of accessing reality." One title on the list:
Last Days by Brian Evenson

Last Days combines detective and horror genres; the story homes in on a religious mutilation cult. Kline is an amputee, ex-detective who is kidnapped by two members of the mutilation cult in order to identify the murderer of their former leader. Kline has to find his way to freedom through the members of the cult and other rival sects, and navigate their web of lies and misinformation. Narrated in Evenson’s stark and vivid prose, the novel is filled with absurd and memorable passages and dialogue.
Read about the other entries on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue