The entry begins:
The main character in The Glass Chateau is a broken man with a huge heart and some hidden creative gifts. He saw his family killed by Nazi soldiers. As a result he became an assassin for the French Resistance. So he is both grieving and guilt-ridden, and he keeps those emotions buried -- most of the time.Learn more about the book and author at Stephen Kiernan's website.
The right male lead is known for playing a similar character, Jon Snow in Game of Thrones. Kit Harrington would make an excellent Asher Green.
Asher's wife, beautiful and graceful and doomed, simply must be...[read on]
My Book, The Movie: The Curiosity.
The Page 69 Test: The Curiosity.
Writers Read: Stephen P. Kiernan (April 2017).
My Book, The Movie: The Baker's Secret.
The Page 69 Test: The Baker's Secret.
My Book, The Movie: The Glass Château.
--Marshal Zeringue