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I’ve been asked in the past, when there’s been a flurry of film interest in a novel of mine, whom I’d like to see play certain characters. And though it’s just an exercise in fantasy (after all, the producers will decide that the female octogenarian poker player will work better as a nine-year-old boy who’s a chess genius) I’ve never been able to play along. I can see my characters very clearly, and I just can’t substitute another face in my imagination. In As Good As Gone, however, I can get in on the game because a few reviewers have already been casting the movie in their remarks about the novel.Visit Larry Watson's website.
Clint Eastwood, Sam Elliott, and Robert Duvall have all been suggested as the right actor to play Calvin Sidey, the cantankerous aging cowboy who has signed on to watch his grandchildren while their parents are away. I admire those actors, and I’m sure any of them would be terrific.
And for Calvin’s love interest, Beverly Lodge...[read on]
The Page 69 Test: As Good as Gone.
My Book, The Movie: As Good as Gone.
--Marshal Zeringue