Her entry begins:
As a writer and an educator, I’m always juggling books. My current pleasure read is Winter’s Tale by Mark Helprin, set around the turn of the last century. I read this novel twenty years ago and fell in love with bridges, New York City, and the protagonist, Peter Lake. I’m about a third of the way through, and so far, it’s as rich an experience as I remembered. In one particular passage, Helprin painstakingly describes the only photo ever taken of Lake’s nemesis, a man named Pearly Soames. It was a mug shot. Five police officers had to...[read on]About Sing in the Morning, Cry at Night, from the publisher:
Almost everyone in town blames eight-year-old Violet Morgan for the death of her nine-year-old sister, Daisy. Sing in the Morning, Cry at Night opens on September 4,Learn more about Sing in the Morning, Cry at Night, and follow Barbara J. Taylor on Twitter.1913, two months after the Fourth of July tragedy. Owen, the girls’ father, “turns to drink” and abandons his family. Their mother Grace falls victim to the seductive powers of Grief, an imagined figure who has seduced her off-and-on since childhood. Violet forms an unlikely friendship with Stanley Adamski, a motherless outcast who works in the mines as a breaker boy. During an unexpected blizzard, Grace goes into premature labor at home and is forced to rely on Violet, while Owen is “off being saved” at a Billy Sunday Revival. Inspired by a haunting family story, Sing in the Morning, Cry at Night blends real life incidents with fiction to show how grace can be found in the midst of tragedy.
Writers Read: Barbara J. Taylor.
--Marshal Zeringue