Stanley actually sketches out principal cast and crew for two versions of an adaptation: one using contemporary actors and director and one from a few decades back. Here's how the latter opens:
TCM Version (circa 1946)Learn more about the novel and author at Kelli Stanley's website and her blog.
Arcturus … a doctor and a romantic cynic, torn between two worlds and a double heritage … half-Roman, half-native, fitting in nowhere. Mid thirties, tall for the era (thanks to his Celtic mother), ruggedly good-looking. William Holden or Robert Mitchum.
Gwyna … the drop-dead beautiful widow who walks into the office (in this case, a triclinium) and who may be as much trouble as she looks. Early to mid twenties. A breath-taking blonde in the book. I’d choose....[read on]
Read January Magazine's Author Snapshot: Kelli Stanley.
My Book, The Movie: Nox Dormienda.
--Marshal Zeringue