Which actor should play her protagonist if the novels are adapted for the screen?
As I write, I never have any real living and breathing human in my head. My characters are so real to me, they seem to occupy all available space. I know just what they look like, and they don't look like anyone else, if you follow.Read on to discover which actors get the nod from the character's creator.
Sometimes, if I'm watching a movie or something on TV, I'll say, "Now she could play Madeline." And who have I said that about?
Read more about the Madeline Carter novels at Linda L. Richards's website.
Richards is editor of January Magazine, maintains an active blog, and is one of the "usual suspects" posting at The Rap Sheet.
Her fourth novel, Death was the Other Woman, will be published January 2008 by St. Martin’s Minotaur and the advance praise for the novel is pretty damn impressive. A taste:
“You're about to meet a new great dame of crime fiction in Death was the Other Woman. Linda L. Richards does a stunning job in creating a character with a voice and eye right out of a 1930's L.A. hard-boiled classic: guns and gams, booze and bodies, peepers and perps. Move over, Sam Spade: Kitty Pangborn is on the case.”The Page 69 Test: Calculated Loss.
--Linda Fairstein, author of Death Dance
My Book, The Movie: Calculated Loss.
--Marshal Zeringue