Click here for a list of Palahniuk's latest top 10 favorite books from Blackbook magazine.
Two titles from the list:
Death In Yellowstone by Lee Whittlesey and The Brutal Language Of Love by Alicia ErianBrian McCombie covered Death in Yellowstone for Booklist:
Whittlesey believes that far too many people enter our national parks with "a false sense of security." He then goes on to chronicle the deaths inAbout The Brutal Language Of Love, from the publisher:Yellowstone National Park of more than 250 people. Most of the deaths, Whittlesey argues, occurred because of human mistakes and "negligence." In this sense, the book is meant to teach and warn about the many dangers that exist in Yellowstone itself, and wild areas in general. The catalog of deaths includes all manner of dying at the hands of nature (hot springs, bears, bison, avalanches, exposure, and forest fires top the list), as well as deaths strictly caused by human actions (murders, suicides, carbon monoxide poisoning, car and plane accidents, and so forth). A little morbid, but strangely fascinating.
From the first sentences of these nine stunning stories, Alicia Erian has you firmly in her grasp. In “Alcatraz” we meet a middle-school spellingClick here to read an excerpt from the collection, and click here for a Q & A with the author.champion who spends her afternoons taking baths with the boy next door. In “Almonds and Cherries,” a young woman turns an unexpectedly arousing bra-shopping experience into a short film, with ramifications for everyone around her. In “Lass,” a new wife with a history of bad decisions finds herself powerfully drawn to another man—her father-in-law.
Alicia Erian explores that peculiar part of the psyche and the complications of the heart that make you do things when you know better. The powerful, unsettling, deeply resonant stories in The Brutal Language of Love mark the emergence of a major new talent.
--Marshal Zeringue