Thursday, March 13, 2025

Q&A with Travis Mulhauser

From my Q&A with Travis Mulhauser, author of The Trouble Up North:
How much work does your title do to take readers into the story?

The title for The Trouble Up North had one big job, in my opinion--to locate the story in the very specific setting of northern Michigan. The phrase "Up North" will be immediately recognizable to Michiganders and other readers, I think, will understand that the book takes place in a rural, northern landscape. That's important. The Trouble Up North, I think, also indicates that the conflict in the story is bigger than just the people involved--that we are also talking about a very particular place where a larger-scale threat is looming.

What's in a name?

I think the most meaningful character name...[read on]
Visit Travis Mulhauser's website.

Q&A with Travis Mulhauser.

--Marshal Zeringue