Thursday, January 23, 2025

Historical fiction titles about little known history

Rachel Brittain is a writer, Day Dreamer, and Amateur Aerialist. Her short fiction has appeared in Luna Station Quarterly, Andromeda Spaceways, and others. She is a contributing editor for Book Riot, where she screams into the void about her love of books. Brittain lives in Northwest Arkansas with a rambunctious rescue pup, a snake, and a houseful of plants (most of which aren’t carnivorous).

At Book Riot she tagged five "historical fiction books about little-known history [that] bring the more obscure sides of history to light." One entry on the list:
A Sign of Her Own by Sarah Marsh

The name Alexander Graham Bell likely brings to mind images of the telephone, but you may not know he also has a long and complicated history with the Deaf community. Marsh takes inspiration from the journals of Bell’s real-life deaf students to tell the story of how he helped and then ultimately betrayed the Deaf community. Now, asked to vouch for him when his telephone patent is contested, Ellen Lark must decide whether to risk her reputation and her future to tell the truth about Bell’s actions.
Read about another book on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue