The entry begins:
Set in 1849, Bitter Passage features two junior Royal Navy officers—Lieutenant Frederick Robinson and Assistant Surgeon Edward Adams—engaged in a search in the Arctic for the lost explorer, Sir John Franklin, and his 128 men. The two men have contrasting motivations but are forced to work together to seek the missing expedition.Visit Colin Mills's website.
I’ve never imagined either character as classically handsome, so when dreamcasting, I keep thinking of character actors rather than leading men.
Lieutenant Robinson: Robinson is someone who outwardly projects confidence, even arrogance, but privately battles with self-esteem. Cynical and self-interested, he thinks mostly of his own career prospects. He hates himself for it, but can’t escape an inner urge to please his aloof father, and pines for his terminally ill wife back in England. I once pictured Guy Pearce as Robinson, but Guy is getting a little old for the role now. Instead, Nicholas Hoult, Rupert Friend and Matt Smith could all pull it off successfully, I think.
Assistant Surgeon Adams: The younger of the two main characters, Adams projects naivete, piety and vulnerability, but when...[read on]
My Book, The Movie: Bitter Passage.
--Marshal Zeringue