Lowe lives on the northern beaches of Sydney with her husband and three young children.
Her newest novel is The School Run.
At CrimeReads the author tagged six of her favorite campus crime novels. One title on the list:
The Secret History, by Donna TarttRead about another entry on the list.
This has to be the ultimate in campus crime novels, and it is certainly my favourite. Richard is recounting his years at an elite university in Vermont, and straight away we learn he and a group of fellow students – under the influence of their cult-like Ancient Greek professor – killed an unlikeable student named Bunny. I read this novel in a tent in Kenya on safari several years ago and the eeriness was real as I flipped the pages. It is not so much an action-packed whodunnit but an intellectual thriller that will give you the chills as much for its creepiness as its outstanding cleverness.
The Secret History is on Edwin Hill's list of six perfectly alluring academic mysteries, a top ten list of the best Twinkies in fiction, and among Kate Weinberg's five top campus novels, Emily Temple's twenty best campus novels, and Ruth Ware's top six books about boarding schools.
--Marshal Zeringue