Saturday, July 15, 2023

Ten top unexpected Jane Austen homages

Julia Seales is a writer and screenwriter based in Los Angeles. She earned an MFA in screenwriting from UCLA, and a BA in English from Vanderbilt University. She is a lifelong Anglophile with a passion for both murder mysteries and Jane Austen. Seales is originally from Kentucky, where she learned about manners (and bourbon).

Her new novel is A Most Agreeable Murder.

At Publishers Weekly Seales tagged ten brilliantly unexpected Jane Austen homages, including:
The Heiress by Molly Greeley

Ever wondered about Anne de Bourgh’s backstory? Then this is the novel for you. A Gothic spin-off of Pride and Prejudice, The Heiress imagines Anne’s sheltered life. Her controlling mother, Lady Catherine, is determined that Anne will marry Mr. Darcy, but as Anne comes of age, she must learn to liberate herself. It’s a pensive take on a side character whose tale we have not heard—until now.
Read about another entry on the list.

The Page 69 Test: The Heiress.

--Marshal Zeringue