Thursday, July 20, 2023

Elizabeth L. Silver's "The Majority," the movie

Featured at My Book, The Movie: The Majority: A Novel by Elizabeth L. Silver.

The entry begins:
If The Majority is adapted, I see it as a series or mini-series because it is a fictional memoir and covers the life of one woman’s rise to power over the 1940s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, as she fights to become the first woman on the United States Supreme Court.

That said, because the book does follow Sylvia from age 12 to 50, with an 80-something-year-old framing the book in retrospect, there could be multiple actresses taking on the role. A young teenager for “Young Sylvia” and then a different actress in her 30s to play Sylvia in her 20s, 30s, and late 40s with the magic of makeup.

My dream Sylvia Olin Bernstein would be Carey Mulligan, who I think not only looks the part, but also sparkles with a sense of quiet intelligence, providence, strength that I respect in literally every project she’s ever done. If they film it as a retrospective with the 80-something year old Sylvia looking back...[read on]
Learn more about the book and author at Elizabeth L. Silver's website.

The Page 69 Test: The Execution of Noa P. Singleton.

My Book, The Movie: The Execution of Noa P. Singleton.

The Page 99 Test: The Tincture of Time.

Writers Read: Elizabeth L. Silver (November 2017).

The Page 69 Test: The Majority.

My Book, The Movie: The Majority.

--Marshal Zeringue