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I used to work in TV, so it’s reasonable to assume I would have actors in mind when I wrote my book, but I didn’t, initially - I had real people in mind. Yes, there’s a disclaimer that says any resemblance is accidental etc, and that’s true – my characters are not wholly based on real people, but there might be one thing about someone I know that I use to kick-start a figure, and the rest follows from there. However, as I got to the end of writing the first draft, and indulged in fantasies about selling the movie rights for millions, I did start to cast it mentally, and it was quite helpful for embedding characters in my mind, so that when I went over the text again in the edit, I could strengthen them, enrich their dialogue and deepen their back stories. So here is who I would choose…Visit Beth Morrey's website.
There is no working actor dog, to my knowledge, who could play Bobby, so we’d have to do an open casting to find a new canine star, who would go on to win the Palm Dog Award. Bobby is probably some sort of Collie/German shepherd mix, and I’d insist on finding a mixed breed with an incredibly plumy waving tail and melting brown eyes. I would personally have to audition a lot of dogs to find the right one.
Angela would be played by Saoirse Ronan. She would have to dye her hair red, and age by about ten years. As long as she did that, we’d be grand. Saoirse would be good at that barnstorming, tempestuous edge Angela has, and she’s...[read on]
Coffee with a Canine: Beth Morrey & Polly.
The Page 69 Test: The Love Story of Missy Carmichael.
My Book, The Movie: The Love Story of Missy Carmichael.
--Marshal Zeringue