Her new novel is Lady Takes the Case.
At CrimeReads, Casey tagged ten favorite stories--from film, fiction, and television--from the early 20th century, including:
AtonementRead about another entry on the list.
Atonement moves a little forward in time to World War II, but still with the “hidden secrets of stately homes” as a backdrop. I loved the book, and found the 2007 movie a good adaptation. Atmospheric, sad, full of hidden lies and tragic romance.
Atonement also appears on Nicci French's top ten list of dinner parties in fiction, Mark Skinner's list of ten of the best country house novels, Julia Dahl's top ten list of books about miscarriages of justice, Tim Lott's top ten list of summers in fiction, Ellen McCarthy's list of six favorite books about weddings and marriage, David Treuer's six favorite books list, Kirkus Reviews's list of eleven books whose final pages will shock you, Nicole Hill's list of eleven books in which the main character dies, Isla Blair's six best books list, Jessica Soffer's top ten list of book endings, Jane Ciabattari's list of five masterpieces of fiction that also worked as films, and on John Mullan's lists of ten of the best birthday parties in literature, ten of the best misdirected messages in literature, ten of the best scenes on London Underground, ten of the best breakages in literature, ten of the best weddings in literature, and ten of the best identical twins in fiction. It is one of Stephanie Beacham's six best books.
--Marshal Zeringue