From the entry:
Okay, so you want to know about casting a movie based on our book.Visit Michael Kun's website.
Well, by way of background, We Are Still Tornadoes is the story of two high school friends in the early 1980s when one (Cath) leaves for college and the other (Scott) stays home. It’s told entirely through their correspondence over the course of about 8 months of their lives apart. Letters, notes, cards, etc., etc., you get the point.
(This is where one of your readers says, “Doesn’t this jackass know that’s called an epistolarly novel?” First, let me say first that reader is very rude. And, second, yes, I know that our book is an epistolary novel. I've written two other epistolary novels, The Locklear Letters and Everybody Says Hello, and I’ve learned from them not to assume that everyone is familiar with that phrase. And I’ve also learned that people get embarrassed if you explain the phrase to them. I have no interest in embarrassing anyone. I always try to find a way to explain the phrase without embarrassing anyone. Like this paragraph.)
You might think that the epistolary format would render our novel completely unfilmable -- how the hell do you make a movie about letters, right? -- but I disagree. In fact, in the right hands, I could see We Are Still Tornadoes being a very unique – and very funny – movie...[read on]
Our Book, The Movie: We Are Still Tornadoes.
--Marshal Zeringue