At Eat More Cake, Mannering tagged her five top books, including:
The Member of the Wedding by Carson McCullersRead about another book on the list.
I was introduced to McCullers by my agent and there began an intense book-love affair. I could ramble on for ages about how beautiful McCullers prose is and how she manages to say everything in just a few words. Her rhythmic style is second to none and her isolated,yearning characters are so painfully realistic that it actually hurts. If you want a small introduction to her work, then I would advise starting with The Ballard of the Sad Café. That was where I fell in love. Then I fell head over heels for The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, before settling with The Member of the Wedding. I think the latter is my favourite because it is so painfully relatable. The main character, a young tomboy similar in some respects to Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird, experiences all the loneliness of the world. The Member of the Wedding took McCullers five years to write and its so perfectly balanced that I can’t believe she wrote it so quickly.
The Member of the Wedding is a book to which Antonya Nelson always returns and one of Zoë Heller's favorite books.
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My Book, The Movie: Roses.
--Marshal Zeringue